Errors in Just cause 3 like Crashes, Game Not Launching, FPS Drops, Stuttering, Fatal Error

1) Just Cause 3 Crashes, for some players the game crashes to desktop when they try to launch it or it crashes randomly during the gameplay. Some reported that the game crashes when you try to change resolution too. To fix the crashes check out the tutorial at the end of the post.

2) Just Cause 3 Not Launching, when you start the game and click ‘Play‘ on Steam nothing happens, the game appears as running in task manager but it doesn’t show up. To fix this please check our tutorial at the end of the post.

3) Just Cause 3 FPS Drops and Stuttering, a lot of players are encountering FPS Drops and Stuttering, making the game almost unplayable. You can see a video below of how the game looks with these issues. You can fix these performance issues by following the tutorial below.

Stuttering Graphics

As with the crashing problem, make sure to update your graphics card driver before attempting any other troubleshooting here.

Some players have also reported success in fixing the issue just by running the game in administrator mode. Simply right-click the game's launch icon and select “Run As Administrator.” If that's not helping, you can get some relief again by turning off a graphical feature:
·         Head to “Graphics” tab of the options menu
·         Set the “Motion Blur” option to “Off.”

For Fatal error:
-You have to install directX 10 or above version of DirectX for any Fatal error or if any .dll file is missing from your computer or pc or any device.

-Youtube videos link for Error code 38:

Reference : youtube, google..

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